Kenya Kariti AA is a high-quality coffee with a lovely honey-noted sweetness and a silky body. Grown in the rich red volcanic soils of Kirinyaga County close to Mount Kenya, it offers upfront sweetness and acidity with fruity notes of cranberry and orange. The classic Kenyan varietals SL28 & Ruiru 11 create an exceptional cup profile. This coffee is best brewed with methods like Aeropress, Cafetiere, or V60 to highlight its juicy cranberry quality, floral finish, and oodles of sweetness. A stand-out example of Kenyan Coffee Quality.

Roaster: Wogan

Coffee Name: Kenya Kariti Kianjege AA

Coffee Type: Single origin

Origin: Kenya

Taste: Rose hip, Orange, Cranberry

Process: Washed

Brewing Method: Any

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