Espresso is the ultimate expression of coffee"s utility, versatility, and tactility. It needs to propose an enjoyable experience drunk black and paired with milk. Therefore, espresso should have prominent sweetness, low acidity, and viscous texture. To achieve these qualities with the Assembly House Espresso, we source coffees that naturally exhibit these characteristics. And then we roast them in ways that ensure they are fully optimized for this brew method. This season’s Assembly House Espresso is a mix of coffees from producers in the Risaralda and Caldas regions of Colombia. In the cup you’ll find deeply rich fruit flavors, plenty of sweetness and weighty body. What more do... (truncated)
Roaster: Assembly Coffee
Coffee Name: Assembly House Espresso
Coffee Type: Blend
Origin: Colombia
Taste: Plum, Brown sugar, Syrupy
Process: Natural, washed
Brewing Method: Espresso
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